Saturday, April 23, 2011


Change: a transformation or modification; alteration. 

 Change has always been a terrifying feeling to those who avoid it & to the ones who have dealt with it, even though some might change to the best but others might change to the worst.

 I believe that people are internally and externally motivated to change. Those who deal with a lot of pressure, like celebrities for example are victims of internal change. While on the other hand, a person who surrounds himself with people, good or bad will slowly and in most cases unintentionally   will eventually change to another duplicate of those around him. And he is considered as a victim of external change. Likewise, culture has a main role of motivating change within oneself.

 For example, students who study abroad and live in dorms might be affected by their roommates or classmates if they deal with drugs. Frequently, people who lose loved ones change to the worst. While others take it as a lesson, move on and change positively.

 In the end, I would like to state that people can be motivated to change by meeting a new person, reading an inspiring novel, or befriending bad or good people. I believe that we can change to the best, if we push ourselves off the limits. We can achieve the impossible, but we should have the potential too. 



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